Hello men who are interested about Alpha Man lifestyle, social skills, behavior and monster level of confidence. Here is my follower Darius. At the beginning of Alpha man trainings I saw Darius`s one mistake. It was at his body language. As you see in video, he is walking not straight. He is moving his weight to one leg. Instead of that he must go moving his weight to both legs. It will keep his good posture and alpha man walking.
We went to university to meet girls. The beginning of Alpha Man Training was difficult for Darius. Many women have rejected him, but he did not give up.
Darius was not enough relaxed with girls, so it was the main reason why girls rejected Darius. We know if you are nervous, after 2 minutes girls become nervous as well. So make sure, what you always are relaxed.
I gave many difficult situations for Darius in order to improve his self-confidence. As I, I was growing the most, when I faced with the most difficult situations. It means that you will never growth if you will approach women just on streets. Instead of that, go and talk with girls at the shop center, at the university, at the trolleybus. Go and talk with group, for example there is another alpha male of the group.
You will gain alpha male traits, you will fast become at the centre of attention. If you will gain your social skills you will achieve everything in life. Women always notice a alpha males who are perfect in social situations. It means they can also talk with guys, partners, girls with sense of confidence. Women always choose alpha male, because alpha male provides her security.
So, results with Darius become more and more better. After my knowledge and homework Darius started get a results. Darius started feel enthusiasm.