how to approach mixed post466

How to approach mixed sets with a Beta Male

Beta male of the group

In some situations sometimes you do not need to open a male of the group first. You must see and feel: is this male of the group Alpha or Beta? If Beta, open the leader of the group. Look at this photo. The male in this group is not self-confident, does not have a powerful body language, he is not at the center of attention. He is Beta, so I open the whole group:

approaching mixed sets with beta

–          Airinas: “Hello guys. I saw this ladie from your group  and I liked her dressing style very much. Maybe you are a couple?” – I raise her self-esteem, so she feels better and excited.

After that I ask a question – if she is free or maybe this guy is her husband.

Approaching mix sets respect to man


–          My target: “Oouu thank you very much 🙂 No, we work at the same place. They are my co-workers.”

–          Airinas: “So guys, do not wait here. I will talk with her a little bit”

Beta male of the group and other lady leave us alone. I isolated a girl perfectly.


After isolation I go for something more sexual. I change conversation towards dancing and I will dance with her:


–          Airinas: “Do you like dancing?”

–          Lady of the group: “Yes”

–          Airinas: “What kind of dances you have you tried?”

–          Lady from the group: “I am dancing salsa”

–          Airinas: “Really????”

–          Lady from the group: “Yes, after work, I go to Cuban style dance classes twice a week”

–          Airinas: “OMG, I want to see”

I grabbed her hand and started dance with her. After dancing I gave her some compliments and lead conversation towards my goal – invitation to dance together somewhere:

–          Airinas: “I liked your communication and energy. I would like to invite you to dance with me tomorrow at 6pm. I will take you from your home at 6 pm”

–          Lady from the group: “ It would be better at 8pm, because I finish my work at 6pm.”
This is an important example, because sometimes you do not need to talk with a man. You do not need any contacts from men who are insecure, unsuccessful in life. If you are with frogs, you will not fly with eagles.

What I mean is that you must talk and make friends with  Alpha Males who have similar abilities and are successful in life, because you will be able learn a lot from them.

The biggest mistake that guys make is that they immediately start competing with other successful men. Stop competition! Be stronger psychologically – make lifetime friends with them and they will help you to reach your goals.


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