Welcome men to Powerful Alphamantraining world, where we concentrated on pick up and get laid. We focused how to shortcut the process from meeting a girl till sleeping with her on the same day, and if it is necessary, use any manipulation- AMT SYSTEMS to get what we want, but not to break law. And the results speaks for themselves. Yesterday on June 9 we went to hospital. Once
the plants begin to bloom we get allergy. We got itch into eyes, if we try to scratch eyes, they become more red and the itch becomes even worse. We needed drugs. Went outside to the bus. Went to hospital.
At the hospital were one blonde we would say 7 points from ten and brunette girl maybe 6 points from 10 in terms of beauty. We noticed how they are looking to us and would like to get to know us better. Medical sister in front of us shot those blonde’s ass. Was awesome view because she removed her green leggings and we saw her white probably Victoria Secret lingerie. In this picture below those girls are lying in front of us:
After we got drugs injected we left the hospital and went to the bus stop. We did live facebook video, make sure you follow our facebook channels which are on the right widget of alphamantraining.com. A bus came. We jumped into the bus and saw that one girl is sitting in the middle of the bus. The time was around 9:30 pm, quite late and approaches during that time are different. In the picture below you see how we approached totally strange girl:
After 5 minutes we have determined that she is same day lay girl, a girl which you can take home on the same day and have sex. We used AMT systems to get back to our apartment. In the picture below you could see how she is turned on by our behavior and wants to come to our apartment:
In the picture below we built connection. This is important because she has husband, kids, dogs and for her to overcome herself to do this is not easy, because she is feeling that she is doing what is not appropriate in our society. We controlled her thinking and turned her on for sex. We initiated sex with a hookup.
In the picture 4th you could see how we have seduced her come to bedroom. This is important, because she can reject at any time once you will push wrongly to sex.
In the 5th picture we are enjoying our new trophy.
Our behavior is learnable if your read, watch carefully all our products and attend real training. During lock down, corona virus pandemic, would you be interested if we would create DVD program: “How To Get Laid During Corona Pandemic” ?, which actually can provide you results to lay each day new girl if they will be same day lay girls. Write down in comment section.