We got this telephone call and her female friend is asking us to participate at San Jose California tall brunette’s birthday party. At the picture below you could see what we have authority over those girls and they respect us. Also they are excited to meet us. We will teach you in the hidden camera pickup infield video how to do it.

1 week back we remember when we talked with a client over Viber and said him: “You like to send to us other coaches – mushrooms instagram channels” – we call them mushrooms, because there are so many of them with videos where a girl knows and sees that a camera is turned on. But when the camera is turned off and girls does not know they are being shooted, they act differently and naturally. And our infield shows reality, that really works in real life.
In the picture below you could see us seducing those hot San Jose California women.

And in the picture below you could see already isolated San Jose California tall model and being fucked by us. In the infield you will see how we turned her on, escalated and fucked.
This infield is good for your health. Because it shows you the way how you can seduce a woman in San Jose California, how to get invites to birthday party and turn of for sex a female you chose. If you want to see this infield you need to contact us.

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