My name is Aaron and I am AMT Coach. I flew to Arcadia (Odessa, Ukraine) with a hope to meet Russian girl, start live with her and refresh my life. One guy told me that in Odessa girls speak in English. By the way – he was just for weekend, so I really had concerns about how they speak in English. I ended up in situation where from 100 approached girls – 0 girls spoke English free. They just could say their name and where they are from, – but that is it, after this they turn to Russian or Ukrainian language.
As my Russian language was weak I had big struggle. I did not have ticket back to Lithuania. I was approaching girls during daytime and hoping that I would meet English free and Russian free speaking girl. And it happened!
How I met English speaking Ukrainian Girl
One day early morning I went to the beach. I was spotting girls to approach or just find a place to put down my back-pack, towel and go straight to black sea, swim and refresh myself. I spotted one ~30 years old blonde on the beach. She was alone by herself, she radiated friendly energy. I decided to approach her. As it was 1st girl to approach that day, – it was very hard to do it. I went to black sea, swum a little, refreshed my energy, come back to the beach, walked up to her. I opened her and it was first girl who responded back with enough English language to have comfortable communication. She was working as a tour guide in Croatia, so she had experience communicating to foreigners who come to Croatia to learn more about this country. I was really impressed. Later on I was shocked by the story she told me about Ukrainian Girls in Arcadia Odessa and how they operate. Read all this article because it can save you lot of nerves, health, money.
One girl from Odessa registered herself to online dating website. American dude found her, started to talk, liked her and arranged to marry her. He bought a ticket and flew to Odessa Ukraine. He lost his last hope when this girl double time asked him to buy expensive lunch. He disagreed with her and they had a fight. That girl took him through all restaurants, calling it: “we just having fun together”, but asking him to pay all bills. A man got scared with this situation and a girl left him alone. A man with broke heart and lost all his hopes was left 5000 miles away from his home in USA and more over here in Arcadia Odessa no one spoke in English.
By the way on the internet it was written and a girl admitted and said in Odessa people talk in English. An American man got tricked. He got scared and called to Croatia Tour girl who I met on the beach and said:
– “Could you help me for those two weeks, because I don’t know what to do… There is nobody who speaks in English” – said American man.
This Croatian Tour Guide girl helped out him those two weeks until he flew back to America. When I was listening this story I was taking my breath away. I was in shocked too. I felt that Arcadia turned to Devil`s business: turn normal Ukrainian Girls to Girls who meet American Men, pull them trough restaurants and make them spend as lot of money as they can. I felt really sorry for that man.
I continued my pick up in Arcadia Odessa and filmed the whole journey: “From Approach To Sex in Resort” – so you could see how I approached Ukrainian girls in Arcadia Odessa.
Yours, sincerely,