How to get acquainted with Beautiful Single Ladies in cinema, on the internet or even on the street? Who said you that this beautiful Lady is single? Her profile or dating website? She by herself told you that? Look this is wrong, even she is lying or it’s maximum 1-2 months period when a girl just broke up with a guy and now she is choosing, looking for someone new to replace her ex boyfriend. If you have approached her in that 1-2 months period that is possible to get acquainted with beautiful single lady.
Every beautiful Single Lady has guys looking around her. She can be a small village girl and still guys would know about her, because her mother, aunt, uncle, talks how she is beautiful and for her needs a strong man to protect her. She is like a princess. You should accept this reality that you will have competition between guys who also want this beautiful single lady.
Competition depending on the place you try to get acquainted with beautiful single ladies
Women on Social Media
Biggest competition you will experience trying to get acquainted is thru facebook, snapchat, “meet single ladies” online dating websites. Men invented smartphones and facebook and it turned against them on getting acquainted with women. A girl can and likes write multiple text messages to lot of guys at once while for men is difficult, uncomfortable and most of time pointless to do that when they get zero results. Moreover it can put you at very high risk even for your health. Do you remember a story which I told you about American guy who found Ukrainian woman over online “meet single Ukrainian ladies” website?
How he was tricked and left alone among Ukrainian and Russian speaking people for two weeks without any family, friends?! If nor, read carefully this story in article called “Ukrainian girls in Odessa Arcadia and the whole true“. Until those girls are beautiful and pretty you will be able to get acquainted when you will understand and start to use Alpha Man Traits and behavior.
How to talk to women on Social Media
You can start and talk with: “Hey, send me your one good and one bad habit”, or “Hey, are you living close to Mendel Hall??” – use tone that you really care is she living close to Mendel Hall or not, when you gonna receive caring message back. If you care to meet her and get to know each other – you gonna meet. If a man is busy in his life – has Alpha Man Lifestyle, does he has time for long conversation on Tinder? No, because he has martial arts training session, yoga class, and more over he needs time to help in life and protect his closest people.
So, after 3-4 messages you should close her to meet tomorrow 6-7 pm. Closing message should sound like: “I think it is enough for texting. I would like to hear your voice and see you. We could go for a walk? What do you think? or what time works for you?” You should feel is she is close-able for meet at all. The best is when she lives close to you. Tinder, Badoo are good apps for it. Every girl estimates how much energy she would need to meet you. She naturally thinks about that and decides maybe is better to spend this energy meeting her female friend or working on her bachelor degree.
First meeting should take less energy from girl as possible. You could ask her out on a date like this: “If you work at South Way 6 avenue, we could meet at Starbucks which is close to your work and when go for walk”. It is private and easy for her, because her work colleges will not know about this date and she gonna save her reputation at work.
How to get acquainted with girl in cinema
If you mean you went with a girl to cinema and asking how to get acquainted with her in cinema, well, my answer would be – talk in carrying, private and sometimes when is necessary seductive tone of voice to her left ear which connects to right brain hemisphere which makes her be more on emotions than on logic.
Talk for example: “How you feel?”; “Do you like to sit here or maybe let’s go to back seats?”; “Do you like to watch this movie with me (in seductive tone)?” A girl should sense and feel – everywhere she will go with you – you will care how she feels and what is in her mind.
If you mean, you went alone to the cinema and saw a girl sitting somewhere next to you or even waiting to buy cinema ticket in line. You are thinking how to get acquainted with her in cinema? The first thing you should do is observe: “who is waiting in the line for her?” – by saying that I mean: did she come alone to cinema? Probably not if she is beautiful lady. Maybe she came with her female friend and her boyfriend. Well, when it is a good opportunity for you to join them and help that guy to have more private 1 on 1 time with his girlfriend.
If here are two girls who came to watch movie, you should observe for what real purpose they came to cinema. Some girls wanna just be together, because they did not see for each other for long time. You should avoid such girls, because they gonna feel pissed of, at least one of them will start to cock-block you for getting acquainted with her female friend. The best is to catch a moment when your girl leaves her friend and goes to toilet or shop, you stop her and privately tell: “Hey I am very attracted to you, you are my type, but I see that you came with your female friend and she wants spend time with you without hitting crazy dudes like me :)” – “Let’s exchange phone numbers and I am gonna call you next day”.
Look, I know it takes balls to say those lines but where is no other choice because she has maybe 2 minutes being away from her female friend. If you are very newbie, read carefully my book: “How To Become an Alpha Man” – it gonna reinforce your confidence talk to women and feel manly.
How to get acquainted with a pretty girl on the street
If you want to get acquainted with pretty girls on the street, well, when you should learn how to walk up to them, talk to them, even stop placing your arms on their hips, how to create impression that you met her accidentally. Look, she gonna screen you out: “Are you hunter and picking random girls up or not”, so make sure you say line like this: “I was going to bookstore and saw you walking by. I wanted to talk to you and I am here :)”.
I remeber when I and my Korean alpha man training learner went to one groceries store where every beautiful young professional girl in Washington DC that area goes to buy groceries for the next week.
AMT learner asked me: “How to get acquainted with a girl you like on the street?”, I answered him: “Try several ways and see where she starts to be interested about you. Talk about groceries, see how she feels, when talk about yoga where you started to go in Washington DC – see how she listens, when try to talk about Dancing – show her few spins you learned from my DVD How To Dance With a Woman “
Try multiple ways and see where girl becomes receptive and close-able for sex.
AMT student was shy and I wanted to help him. I approached girl walking to Whole Foods and tried those several ways to open her up. AMT student saw how I talked about differences between USA and Europe, about dancing, about Yoga, when I tried to spin her, when I told her ring story (from my book “How To Become an Alpha Man“), when I talked about going for a walk next day, when I took her hand and hold it for second. He saw, how I try multiple ways to find that way which leads to get acquainted with her on that street right in front Whole Foods market. That was huge lesson to him being with me and staring to me how I seduce that girl.
How to approach women in Public: Tips and Advice
My biggest advice for you would be to decide: “Do you want to learn how to approach women in Public?”, if yes, – so commit by investing into 4 products:
1.Read carefully my book: “How to become an Alpha Man“. You will gain Alpha Man traits by installing Alpha Man mindset and learning from my personal life transformation. You will connect with me.
2. Watch, learn and try by yourself to approach women from my DVD: “Pick up online training courses“. You will see and learn all different scenarios where I approach one girl, two girls, three girls, girls with guy on different locations: on the street, in shopping mall, at student campus, at university, at public transport. After this DVD course you will be able to approach a girl and start talk to her. After approaching girls on the streets, you will come back to home, will login to, my products, will watch this dvd and process what you did right and where you need to fix or add AMT techniques.
3. Night Game Program: “How to dance with a woman“. After this program you will learn how to dance and seduce a girl on the dancefloor in nightclub. Also you will see and will hear what I talked to a girl in a club and how I turned her on at the dancefloor and how I left a club and walked to my friend’s car to have sex with her. After this Night Game program you will know what are you doing at Night Club and will have Alpha Man traits. Girls will notice you and will be attracted to you.
4. Transformation of student who looks similar to you. Go to products, scroll down until you will see students transformations whom I helped to install Alpha Man behavior. If you are Asian – choose “Asian Guy Transformation to Alpha Male“. Look, if he changed and met long-term relationship girl – you can change as-well.
If you are short – choose Tadas (Todd) transformation to Alpha Man. He is maybe 5’4 (163cm) and he approached taller girl than him. She was attracted to him and exchanged contacts. Just imagine, how you will feel motivated when you will see this scene on Tadas DVD? If he did this, you can do as-well, no matter how short you are.
If you are tall, like 6’3 (190cm) you can watch how Ben changed to Alpha Male. We did training in Vilnius and in London. And Ben changed dramatically. He went from spending 4000 USD/month on a girl to approaching girls who are with their boyfriends in public. In his transformation you will see how he was beta. He was very scared when girls’ boyfriends accidentally were coming to set. After Alpha Man Training he became unstoppable monster who was not scared to approach girls with their boyfriends! He went for half an year to wrestling, learned this martial art, became confident, installed AMT Systems and became Total Alpha Male. You will see how being tall you can do with your body and what beautiful women you can meet!
So, invest into three AMT products and pick up one transformation. Start to change your life, because life goes fast and money by the end is worthless if you do not have health and you are sick. Invest into yourself, because Alpha Man Training knowledge you will have for lifetime while money can be taken from you anytime, anywhere by other people, government, police and so on.
To you success,
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